We will resume care group Registrations in the Spring of 2025
Registration is Closed!
What are Care Groups?
Our Care Groups ministry is designed to give our church family more opportunities to grow, encourage, get to know, pray for, and care for one another. These in-home groups will include sermon-based discussions, including questions from our Sunday morning services.
Why Care Groups?
Care Groups will allow for additional time to intentionally grow in our relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ here at First Baptist. While our times in church can give us chances to interact throughout the building, we often do not find ourselves able to find or make the time to sit down and fellowship. We sometimes struggle to meet with others and have the opportunity to build each other up. Care Groups will give us those important connecting times. Time to discuss God’s Word together, pray with one another. and allow our families to fellowship around each other. To be accountable to one another. To connect with and serve each other.
What will the Evening Look like?
Each night of Care Groups will have three main aspects of the evening together:
Care: This time is designed to fellowship and interact with brothers and sisters in Christ, getting to know each other better, being able to help one another out, and encouraging one another.
Prayer: We will spend time praying for and with each other. This will include praying for our church and each other, including specific needs within the group and special requests for the church family.
Share: This time is designed to share time around the Word with each other. Our Care Group share time will be ‘sermon based,’ which means that the group will read a portion from Scripture, sometimes from the Sunday morning service itself and sometimes from a connected or similar passage. After that, the group will discuss the passage/message, review several questions provided to dig deeper into the passage, and then consider how God’s Word can apply to us in our daily lives. These questions will be provided beforehand to allow for preparation and prayer for this time.
Who should attend Care groups?
and…What about my kids/Young people?
Care Groups are for the whole church family. They are designed for those who want to participate in what God is doing in the local church. As these ministries take place on Wednesday nights, we are encouraging the whole family to take part. Each Care Group will determine its own childcare plan based on its makeup. We also want our young people to be involved in our Care Groups, including the discussion and prayer.
What is the Schedule?
We will resume care group Registration in the Spring of 2025.
How do I sign up?
We want to encourage you to sign up for Care Groups so we can be ready for the start of the next session! As we look to organize these groups, several determining factors will be involved: geography, host home size, how many children will be attending, etc. We encourage you to sign up as soon as registration opens.
Registration is Closed.
What about Sunday Nights and Wednesday nights?
In determining the right times for this Care Group ministry, we did not want to add an additional ministry night to our church calendar. So, to facilitate having our church families in homes on Wednesday nights, we have moved our Youth Group and GROW kids to Sunday nights. That puts all our children, youth, and adult Sunday night ministries at the church on Sunday nights at 6 pm. This change has also allowed us to have a year-round Youth Group ministry for our 7th-12th graders.