Event Details

Men of God 2018 Conference
Mar 3, 2018 at 9:00 AM
Organizer: Jonathan Casbohm

Prepare yourself to be thoroughly challenged at the 2018 Men of God Conference!


Let's get excited for this year's speaker --Eric Mounts-- a former Men of God main speaker from 2007....remember the Tour deLife Conference? This year, Eric will be speaking on the topic: Courageous Faith in a Hostile Culture


Eric has a way of communicating that helps us to think differently about topics we may be very familiar with. He will bring a fresh perspective for wearied souls. Our prayer is that this new insight causes all of us to "see" differently and display Christ in an infectious way.


Registration closes February 25th

Breakout Sessions-

Hebrews 13:1-6
The faith we need daily as men of God to stand against what our culture would have us believe about three areas of life.  1) Spending our time: Loving others or loving self?  2) Managing our money and success: Storing our treasures where? And for who’s glory?  3) Marriage and relationships: Are they based on the love of Christ or lust of the flesh? We serve an awesome and mighty God. Take your stand in His strength!
Reno Stapleton, Calvary Baptist, Bellefontaine  

Hebrews 13:7-10, 17 “Remember your leaders...”
Why remember? We will discuss in this session why it is important for the men in a local church to stand shoulder to shoulder with their pastor in the courageous battle of faith, especially in prayer. More than a theoretical approach, we will talk about practical ways in which standing with, praying for – and with – your pastor will not only benefit his life and ministry, but also potentially transform yours.
Ken Floyd, MARBC Rep, Grand Rapids  

Hebrews 13:11-13
Our workshop will help the man of God function as the agent of God proclaiming the truth of God in a world rebelling from the presence of God!  Together we will look at these practical steps: to help the man of God share his faith- by cleaning up his life; to help the man of God identify with Christ by trusting Christ's sacrifice to be enough; to help the man of God be bold in his walk as he allows Christ to lead; and to help the man of God be honest in his communication about the effects of sin.
Greg Dyson, First Baptist, London  

Hebrews 13:14-16
In verses 14-16 of Hebrews 13, we are reminded that we are outsiders in this world yet heirs of what will be far better.  This assurance of our hope to come is what feeds and strengthens our courage for the work we are called to do on Earth.  In digging further into these verses, we see that our heightened blessings in Christ should prompt greater thanksgiving and praise.  We are also called to show liberality and service as means of pleasing worship to God.  It is this hope that gives us the courage to help Christians to address difficult situations in life.  We will look at a biblical understanding of work, community, church life, and dealing with difficult people in light of living with the hope of what is to come.
Mike Crawford, Boyce College, Louisville  

Faith to Kneel

Hebrews 13:17-18 "Elijah and a Life of Prayer"
We all know that Elijah is known for his praying.  But have you ever connected his praying with his courage?  That is what we will plan to do together.  We will develop this simple thesis: Because Elijah was a man of prayer he also became a man of courage!  We need such an example to follow in our day.
Dave Warren, Grace Baptist, Cedarville 